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Literary Analysis Writing Assignment: Series of writing tasks
Analysis of Lord of the Flies
Students blogging about To Kill a Mockingbird
Saylor Foundation: Open-source courses addressing the CCSS
Media Construction of Social Justice: Black Identity. Open Educational Resources
Media Construction of Social Justice: Identity and Satire. Open Educational Resources
Media Construction of Social Justice: Claiming Feminist Identities. Open Educational Resources
Ethnic Discrimination Curriculum. Open Educational Resources
Not In Our Town Northern California: Hate Happens Here. KQED Education
African-American Identity in the Gilded Age. Open Educational Resources
Sexual and Gender Identities. Open Educational Resources
Researching the Dream: Researching the Meaning of the American Dream. ReadWriteThink
Decoding the Dystopian Characteristics of Macintosh’s “1984” Commercial. ReadWriteThink
From Friedan Forward—Considering a Feminist Perspective. ReadWriteThink
American Educator, Winter, 2011: The Common Core Standards
iPhone or iPad app: Common Core Standards (app for searching standards
Education Week: Use of online training for the CCSS
OpenEd: Lessons for 6-12 linked to CCSS
Bud Hunt: Course on Writing and the CCSS: lots of resources on teaching writing based on the CCSS
Center for Educational Policy: Study (9/15) on implementation on CCSS
Cybaryman: Materials and resources related to the CCSS
Education Northwest: Links to resources on addressing the CCSS
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills Common Core Toolkit
The Common Core Curriculum Mapping Project: Curriculum for English instruction
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Chapters: Links, Activities, Units, Further Reading
1 Adopting a Critical Inquiry Approach for Implementing the CCSS
2 Adopting a Critical Inquiry Approach in an English Curriculum Framework
3 Planning Effective English Language Arts Instruction to Exceed the CCSS
4 Reading Nonfiction
5 Reading Fiction
6 Writing Nonfiction
7 Writing and Enacting Narratives, Drama, and Poetry
8 Implementing the Digital/Media Literacy Standards
9 Implementing the Speaking and Listening Standards
10 Implementing the Language Standards
11 Assessing Students’ Work
12 Fostering Teacher Reflection and Professional Development
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