
Chapter 6 Activities and units

Page history last edited by Richard Beach 7 years, 2 months ago

Leslie Moitoza, Rethinking Composition in a Digital Age: students creating essays and video about their neighborhoods


Using online role-play with literature

Video: How To Use Rhetoric to Get What You Want. 


The Right Tool for the Job: Improving Reading and Writing in the Classroom


Using texts to create issues


Write Along: Lessons for grades 3-8. LearnZillion


Literary Analysis Writing Assignment: Series of writing tasks  


Changing Practices in Writing Instruction. Education Week


Argumentative writing: Graffiti: Pretty Art or Petty Crime?


Ellen Shelton: Letters To the Next President, 2.0. Edutopia.


An Argument-Writing Unit: Crafting Student Editorials. The New York Times Learning Network


Mimio: Collaborate To The Core! 2: Activities on how to collaborate based on the Common Core


Video: Students assessing arguments related to teaching young adult literature


Analyzing Chevy Volt advertisements as arguments (takes time to load)


Paul Allison: Addressing the argumentative writing standard: Examples of an assignment and student work


Rubric for self-assessing and assessing online role-plays


Teacher TV Video: Persuasive writing activities (while the focus is on elementary, could be applied to secondary)


Lesson plan: Mapping an argument


Argument, Persuasion, or Propaganda: Analyzing World War II Posters


The New York Times: Creating a Room for Debate to construct arguments


Argument mapping analysis


Critical analysis of a Coca-Cola promotion campaign


Questions for conducting ethnographies


Informational writing: Writing application letters


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