
Chapter 6 Further Reading

Page history last edited by Richard Beach 2 years, 4 months ago

Addison, J., & McGee, S. J. (2016). Writing and school reform: Writing instruction in the age of Common Core and standardized testing. WAC Clearinghouse. Free download book.


Alber, R. (2014). Common Core in Action: Writing for an Audience. Edutopia


Brown, A. (2016). Classroom community and discourse: How argumentation emerges during a Socratic circle. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 4


Buckley-Marudas, M. F., & Martin, M. (2020). Casting new light on adolescent literacies: Designing digital storytelling for social justice with preservice teachers in an English language arts education program. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 20(2)


Buckner, A. (2014). Nonfiction notebooks: Strategies for nonfiction writing. Portland: Stenhouse


Dadonna, B. (2013).  Writing Across the K12 Curriculum.  District Administration Magazine


Davis, K. A., Zorwick, M. L. W., Roland, J., & Wade, M. M. (Eds.). (2016). Using debate in the classroom encouraging critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. New York: Routledge.


Downes, S.  (2011).  Access:: Future: Practical advice on how to learn and what to learn.  (chapters on argument/critical thinking).


Fletcher, J. (2015). Teaching arguments: Rhetorical comprehension, critique, and response. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.

Gallagher, K. (2011). Write like this: Teaching real-world writing through modeling. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers

Gentry, R., Wallace-Nesler, V, & McNeel, J. (2014). Fostering writing in today's classroom. Shell Education


Gerwertz, C.  (2012).  Districts gear up for shift to informational texts.  Education Week


Graham, S., MacArthur, C. A., & Fitzgerald, J. (Eds.). (2013). Best practices in writing instruction. New York: Guilford Press. 


Grindon, K. (2014). Advocacy at the core: Inquiry and empowerment in the time of Common Core State Standards. Language Arts, 91(4), 251-266.


Kim, M., Beach, R., & Bloome, D. (2022). Reconceptualizing reflection as relational ontological practices within the context of writing instruction. In T. Hodges (Ed.), Handbook of research on teacher practices for diverse writing instruction (pp. 163-184.


Kirby, D. L., & Crovitz, D. (2013). Inside out: Strategies for teaching writing. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton Cook. 


Maxwell, L. (2013).  Common Core and ELLS: Persuasive Reading and Writing.  Education Week.


Newell, G. E., Thanos, T. S., & Seymour, M. (2021). Composing literary arguments in an 11th grade International Baccalaureate classroom: How classroom instructional conversations shape modes of participation. Literacy in Composition Studies, 8(2), 81-108.


Roseboro, A. J. S. (2013). Teaching writing in the middle school: Common Core and more. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.


Sassi, K., & Gere, A. (2014). Writing on Demand for the Common Core State Standards Assessments. Heinemann.


Schulten, K. (2020). Student voice: 100 argument essays by teens on Issues that matter to them. New York: Norton Professional Books.


Wolsey, T. D., & Grisham, D. (2012). Transforming writing instruction in the digital age: Techniques for grades 5-12.  New York: Guilford Press.



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