
Chapter 1 further reading

Page history last edited by Richard Beach 2 years, 7 months ago

Achieve/PARCC: Common Core Implementation Workbook


Fulling the Promise of the Common Core State Standards, ASCD, downloadable pdf


Alber, R.  (2014).  Teaching students not standards. Edutopia


Au, K., & Raphael, T.  (2011).  Five mistakes people make in implementing the Common Core Standards. Schoolwise


Barnwell, P.  (2012).  The Common Core's Digital Literacies Gap.  Education Week Teacher.


Barrett-Tatum, J. (2015). Examining English language arts common core state standards instruction through cultural historical activity theory. Education

Policy Analysis Archives, 23(63)


Beach, R. W.  (2011).  Comments on Porter, McMaken, Hwang, and Yang: Issues in analyzing alignment of language arts Common Core Standards with state standards. Educational Researcher, 40(4), 179-182.


Benjamin, A., & Hugelmeyer, M. (2013). Big skills for the common core: Literacy strategies for the 6-12 classroom. New York: Routledge


Bolkan, J. (2014). Report: Most Parents Support the Common Core, Both Sides Are Misinformed. THE Journal.


Burke, J.  (2013). The Common Core companion: The standards decoded, grades 9-12: What they say, what they mean, how to teach them.  Los Angeles: Corwin.


Calkins, L., Ehrenworth, M., & Lehman, C.  (2012).  Pathways to the Common Core: Accelerating achievement.  Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Camera, L. (2015). As test results trickle in, states still ditching Common Core. US News and World Report.


Carillo, E. C. (2016). Reimagining the role of the reader in the Common Core State Standards. English Journal, 105(3), 29–35.


Common Core State Standards.   Common Core Curriculum maps in English language arts, grades 9-12.  San Francisco: Jossey Bass.


Cronin, A. P.  (2011).  Coming to terms with the Common Core reading standards. English Leadership Quarterly, 34(2), 11-13.

Davis, K. A., Zorwick, M. L. W., Roland, J., & Wade, M. M. (Eds.). (2016). Using debate in the classroom
 encouraging critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. New York: Routledge.


Dunsmore, K.  (2012).  Creating a culture of teacher learning: Thinking systematically about Common Core.  Learning in Literacy Exchange.


Dunsmore, K., & Nelson, C. (2014). Building capacity for sustained change: Characteristics of Common Core implementation models that actually work. Michigan Reading Journal, 47(1)


Education Week: Moving Beyond the Mainstream: Helping Diverse Learners Master the Common Core


Education Week Research Center: From Adoption To Practice: Teacher Perspectives on the Common Core


Ellison, K., & Freedberg, L. (2015). Project-based learning on the rise under the Common Core. EdSource 


Ellison, K., & Freedberg, L. (2015). Project-based learning on the rise under the Common Core. EdSource


Ewing, J.  (2012).  Give the standards back to the teachers. Education Week.


Fecho, B., Falter, M., & Hong, X. (Eds.). (2016). Teaching outside the box but inside the standards: Making room for dialogue. New York: Teachers College Press


Freeman, M. (2015). The Common Core Has Not Killed Literature. The Atlantic


Gallagher, K. (2015). In the best interest of students: Staying true to what works in the ELA classroom. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.


Gardner, M. (2012).  State [California] plans big changes to testing, implementation.  San Diego Union Tribune


Gates Foundation  (2012).  Early 2012 survey on the teachers' level of preparedness for implementing the CCSS


Gewertz, C.  (2012).  Common core test group gives higher ed. voting rights.  Education Week.


Gewertz, C.  (2012). History lessons blend content knowledge, literacy.  Education Week (use of history primary documents for addressing the social studies CCSS)


Gewertz, C  (2014).  Boasts about textbook alignment  with the Common Core largely a sham, researchers find.  Education Week.


Gewertz, C. (2014).  Common Core At Four: Sizing Up the Enterprise. Education Week


Gewertz, C. (2014). Two Districts, Two Approaches to Common Core Curriculum. Education Week


Gewertz, C. (2014, August 19). Support slipping for Common Core, Especially Among Teachers, Poll Finds. Education Week


Giouroukakis, V. M., & Connolly, M. (2012).  Getting to the core of English Language Arts, Grades 6-12: How to meet the Common Core State Standards with lessons from the classroom.  Los Angeles: Corwin Press.


Grindon, K. (2014). Advocacy at the core: Inquiry and empowerment in the time of Common Core State Standards. Language Arts, 91(4), 251-266.


Hacker, A., & Dreifus, C.  (2013).  Who's minding the schools.  The New York Times (discussion of the pros and cons of the CCSS implementation.


Harris, R.  (2012).  A librarian's tricks for finding those "complex texts" cited in the Common Core. School Library Journal


Hinchman, K. A. & Sheridan-Thomas, H. K. (Eds.). (2022). Best practices in adolescent literacy instruction Third Edition. Guilford.


Hodge, E. M., . Benko, S. L., &  Salloum, S. J. (2020). Tracing states’ messages about Common Core instruction: An analysis of English/Language Arts and close reading resources. Teachers College Record, 122(3).


Hollander, C.  (2013).  No learning without feeling.  The New York Times (critique of the lack of attention to emotions in responding to literature in the CCSS)  


Jago, C.  (2011).  With rigor for all, second edition: Meeting Common Core Standards for reading literature.  Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Johnson, B. (2013). Teaching students to dig deeper: The Common Core in action.  New York: Routledge


Kendall, J.  (2011).  Understanding Common Core State Standards.  Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.


Lee, J., & Wu, Y. (2017). Is the Common Core racing America to the top? Tracking changes in state standards, school practices, and student achievement. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25(35). 


Lent, R. C., & Gilmore, B. (2013). Common Core CPR: What about the adolescents who struggle...or just don't care.  Los Angeles: Corwin.


Loertscher, D. V., et. al.  (2010).  The Common Core Standards: Opportunities for teacher-librarians to move to the center of teaching and learning. Teacher Librarian, 38(2), 8-14.


Malu, K. F., & Schaefer, M. B. (2015). Research on teaching and learning with the literacies of young adolescents. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Mathis, W.  (2012).  Common Core State Standards.  National Education Policy Center.


Matusov, E., & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2016). Radical proposal for educational pluralism and the state’s educational neutrality policy. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 4


Maxwell, L.  (2012).  ELLs are the focus of teacher-led projects on CCSS.   Education Week.


McCoid, J.  (2011).  Common Core State Standards: 75 graphic organizers for optimal implementation.  CreateSpace.


McDonnell, L. M., & Weatherford, M. S. (2013).  Organized interests and the Common Core.  Educational Researcher, 42(9), 488-497.


McKnight, K. S. (2014). Common Core literacy for ELA, history/social studies, and the humanities: Strategies to deepen content knowledge (Grades 6-12). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


McVerry G. : Common Core Resources for Teachers


National Research Council. (2012). Education for life and work: Developing transferable knowledge and skills in the 21st century. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.


NCLE: Remodeling Literacy Learning Together: Paths to Standards Implementation


Newkirk, T. (2016). Unbalanced literacy: Reflections on the Common Core. Language Arts 


O'Brien, A. (2014).  Recent Polls: Do Educators Support the Common Core.  Edutopia.


Orlich, D. C. (2011). Educational Standards-- Caveat Emptor. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 47(2), 52-57.       


Pandya, J. Z., & Aukerman, M. (2014). A four resources analysis of technology in the CCSS. Language Arts, 91(6), 429-439.


Pearson, P. D., & Hiebert, E. H. (Eds.). (2015). Research-based practices for teaching Common Core literacy. New York: Teachers College Press.


Peery, A. et al.  (2012).  Getting Ready for the Common Core State Standards.  Center for Learning and Leadership Development.


Peery, A., & Wiggs, M. D. (2012).  Navigating the English language arts Common Core State Standards: Navigating implementation of the Common Core State Standards.  New York: Lead and Learn Press.


Porter, A., et. al.  (2011).  Common Core Standards: The new U.S. intended curriculum. Educational Researcher, 40(3), 103-116.


Reading Like an Historian (lesson plans for reading history texts for addressing the social studies CCSS) 


Reed, E., Scull, J., Slicker, G., & Winkler, A. M.  (2012).  Defining strong state accountability systems: How can better standards gain greater traction?  Washington, DC: Fordham Foundation.


Richards, J. C., & Zenkov, K. (Eds.). (2016). Social justice, the Common Core, and closing the instructional gap: Empowering diverse learners and their teachers. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Rothman, R.  (2011).  Something in Common: The Common Core Standards and the next chapter in American education.  Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.


Rothman, R. (2012).  Nine ways the Common Core Standards will change the classroom.  Harvard Education Letter.


Sassi, K.  (2011).  Misgiving and opportunities: The Common Core writing standards.  English Leadership Quarterly, 34(2), 4-9.


Sawchuk, C. (2012).  Higher education assesses training of teachers for Common Core.  Education Week.


Schneider, M. K. (2015). Common Core dilemma: Who owns our schools? New York: Teachers College Press.


Shannon, P.  (2011).  Reading wide awake: Politics, pedagogies, and possibilities.  New York: Teachers College Press. 


Springen, K. (2012).  What Common Core means for publishers.  Publishers Weekly.


Study: Reaching the Goal: The Applicability and Importance of the CCSS to College and Career Readiness

Snyder, J., & Bristol, T. J. (2015). Professional accountability for improving life, college, and career readiness. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(16).


Tampio, N. (2018). Common Core National Education standards and the threat to democracy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.


Tienken, C. H.  (2011).  Common Core Standards: The emperor has no clothes, or evidence. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 47(2), 58-62.


Tucker, C. (2014). Collaborize teachers guide, ELA Grades 9-12, Common Core ready.  Collaborize Classroom


Ujitusa, A. (2014). Resistance to Common Core Mounts. Education Week


Ujitusa, A. (2014). Common Core May Persist, Even in Opposition States. Education Week


Vavra, S. A., & Spencer, S. L.  (Eds.).  (2011). CLASH! Superheroic yet sensible strategies for teaching the new literacies despite the status quo.  Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.


Wang, Y. (2017). The social networks and paradoxes of the opt-out movement amid the Common Core State Standards implementation: The case of New York. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25(34)


Winograd, K. (Ed.). (2015). Critical literacies and young learners: Connecting classroom practice to the common core. New York: Routlege


Woodard, R. (2015). Moving beyond compliance: Promoting research-based professional discretion in the implementation of the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 27(3), 243-263.


Zwiers, J., O'Hara, S., & Pritchard, R. (2014). Common Core Standards in diverse classrooms: Essential practices for developing academic language and disciplinary literacy. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.



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